Budi Said, a wealthy individual from Surabaya, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and fined Rp 1 billion, with an additional six-month subsiderary sentence, in connection to a corruption case involving the sale of 1.1 tons of gold. Budi Said filed an appeal against this verdict. In response, the prosecutors also filed an appeal.
Initial Verdict: Budi Said was convicted of corruption in a manipulated purchase of gold from Antam. In addition to the prison sentence and fine, he was also ordered to pay Rp 35 billion as compensation.
Basis of Appeals:
Budi’s Appeal: Through his legal representative, Budi appealed the verdict.
Prosecution’s Appeal: The Public Prosecutor’s Office (JPU) also filed an appeal, citing Budi’s appeal as the basis. This step is crucial for any future cassation efforts to ensure legal justice, as outlined in the guidelines for prosecuting corruption by the Attorney General of Indonesia.
Appeal Details:
Appeal Filing: The appeals were confirmed by Harli Siregar, the Head of Public Information Bureau for the Attorney General’s Office, on Monday, December 30, 2024.
Purpose: Both appeals, by the defendant and the prosecution, set the stage for a potential cassation if the appellate court’s decision does not meet the standards of legal justice.
Original Prosecution: Prior to this appeal, the prosecutor had demanded a 16-year prison sentence, a Rp 1 billion fine, and compensation of Rp 1.1 trillion, making the current verdict slightly lower than the initial request.